Better together,

We're drawing to a close on the bulk of construction for the upstairs remodel at our house, working through the inspection process with our local building inspector.  So, as we're passing this important point in the process, I've been thinking about the way we got here.

Getting to this point has taken a full two seasons longer than I'd planned, delays caused by things that I didn't anticipate, along with a number of changes that I decided to make during the construction process.  Keeping up my stamina during that whole process has been a constant challenge.  Much of the work that had to be done was outside my experience and in many cases I had to do it very slowly or even multiple times to get it right.

Although this wasn't an individual effort, (I had help and guidance from family and friends throughout the whole process) I did end up doing most of the work on my own, which is probably the cause of those changes and delays.  It's also worth mentioning that this was mostly by choice, done in an effort to cut cost and to be able to control the process.


Every time I get a chance to work with other people on a project, the benefits become immediately clear.  While working alone gives you control, working together gives you clarity.  You act as a check on each other, unbiased participants in the other's thought process.  In addition, the perception of your own thoughts becomes naturally more objective when speaking them out loud to another person.  The best work is always going to come from collaboration, not just inspiration.

I am happy with the way this project is turning out and I'm sure that by taking most of the work on myself we've been able to do a lot more with our budget.  But, if I'm given a choice on the next project, 

I'll be part of a team.